Ideas and information about the future of Owosso -- please join me in working together for a better community
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
My Experience
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Six Important Issues
ECONOMIC GROWTH – unemployment in our community is at the highest level in decades. Our first priority as a City must be to help the private sector create new jobs. I believe we can make Owosso an even better place to start a business or grow an exisitng one. I have been involved with the Shiawassee Economic Development Partnership since its beginning, and as a part owner of a small business (Wolverine Sign) I understand what the City can do to help industry and commerce grow.
TAX EFFICIENCY – we need to ensure that public tax dollars are well spent in the delivery of municipal services and the promotion of growth. In the current economic climate, the community cannot afford new taxes. Instead, we need to take a close and reasoned look at the services the City provides and figure out ways to reduce costs and serve the public in the most efficient way possible. I also feel that the City has an important role to play in making sure that your federal and state tax dollars are well spent. Some grants are appropriate for our community; others are not. When we secure outside funding, we need to spend these tax dollars in the most effective way to promote economic growth.
HOUSING – we need to protect residential property values in Owosso by promoting homeownership and reducing the number of vacant homes in our neighborhoods. There are a record number of foreclosed and for-sale homes in our community. We need to ensure that these homes do not create a blight in our neighborhoods and we need to take action to help these homes be sold to new homeowners. The City has not taken advantage of private and public programs to reduce foreclosures, promote homeownership, and ensure quality rental housing. I worked for several years as a Deputy Director in the California Department of Housing and Community Development and I will use my expertise to improve our neighborhoods.
RECYCLING – we need to find a way to promote curbside recycling of household and yard waste. People are concerned with burning in Owosso, and I believe we can help reduce the need for burning if we provide better and more frequent pick up of yard wastes. I also think it is possible to provide curbside recycling of household waste. I will also look into other ways to have Owosso Go Green!
COMMUNICATION - whatever policy issues come before the City Council, I believe our elected representatives have an obligation to engage in respectful, two-way communication with voters, residents, businesses, and all the affected parties. If elected, I pledge to be both a good listener and to share what I learn by serving. I will make time available, attend community meetings, and use this blog and other forms of communication to exchange information and opinions. The more we all know, the better decisions we can make for our future.
MY GOAL is to make Owosso an even better place to live, raise a family, retire, start a business, pursue a career, and enjoy life in a small town. I hope you will join me in this effort.